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eClinic Manager - Clinic Schedule
eClinic Manager - Clinic Schedule

Author => this article explains the various aspects of the Clinic Schedule

Updated over a week ago

If you have not yet worked with eCM please see the Introduction first.

The Clinic Schedule is the main workspace of eCM and an overview of your daily appointments.

1 - Phone appointment

2 - Video appointment

3 - Face to Face in your clinic

Filter & Search options

At the top of the Clinic Schedule you can filter for different Patient Lists your clinic works with, you can look up the schedule of a certain date in the future or past, and you have a Search field to search for a particular appointment or patient.

Patient lists
By default all appointments fort the current date will be displayed.

  1. Click in the Patient List field.
    The dropdown menu shows all patient lists your clinic works with.
    You could also filter for Direct Invites.

    The example shows one patient list (TEST CLINIC 1).

  2. Select the option you need.

  3. The Clinic Schedule will be updated accordingly.


Use the arrows left and right to move forwards or backwards day by day.

Click on the calendar icon if you are looking for a certain date:


Use the search field if you are looking for appointments of a certain patient. You can search for the patient name or patient ID.


The appointments can source from your internal IT system if your clinic is using integration (e.g. HL7/FHIR) to interface with T-Pro. The appointments appear as displayed above in the Clinic Schedule with grey icons.

Move with the mouse over the icon:

The status is Scheduled but no invite has been created in T-Pro for this video appointment.

To do so click on the three dots to view the options (at the end of the entry to your right).

Select SEND INVITE to send an appointment notification to the patient (for more details see the Session Invite below).


Above the Clinic Schedule on the right side you have the INVITE button to create direct invites.

Direct invites do not source from any other system but are created directly in the Clinic Schedule. They are for video sessions only.

In the Session Invite window you need to fill in the following:

1 - Date and time of the appointment
2 - Patient name
3 - Contact email address or mobile number

4 - Select your Author group

Additionally, you can invite further participants:

5 - Click on ADD to receive more fields to invite extra people to take part in the call.

Note: If you use the option explained above to send an invite for an existing entry (via integration) you get the same window but the patient data and scheduled appointment times are already inherited. Date and time can be changed.

Click on SEND to send the invite to the patient and further participants if applicable.

An appointment with an invite is marked in blue.

Add extra participants

There are different ways of inviting additional participants to an eCM video session:

  • Add them in the initial invite (5 above)
    Further down in the Session Invite window click on ADD and you can enter another name and contact details.

    In the below example you see that one extra person has already been added (1) and a second extra participant (2) will be added if you click on ADD again.

    T-Pro caters for group calls with up to 50 participants.

    When you click on SEND the invite goes out to the patient and to every other person you have added in this section.

  • Add them via the session window before you start the call

  • Add them during a running session

    Both options work with the button next to the search field.

    Go here Add participants for more details.

Edit an appointment

If you have to edit an appointment, e.g. change the time you can do this via the Options menu at the end of an entry.

Scroll the Clinic Schedule to the far right, the last column is the Options.

Click on the three dots of the appointment you like to edit. The menu options are displayed.


  2. The Session Invite window (see above under Invite) opens again.

  3. You can now update the date or time, or invite additional participants.

  4. Click on SEND.
    Every invitee will receive a notification about the appointment updates.

Note: Every time you update an invite, every invitee will automatically receive a new notification.

If you have any more queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Helpdesk or [email protected]. © 2020-2023

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