The ALL TASKS section is available to all users.
Below we are offering you a short support video on how to dictate documents and a step-by-step guide:
1) Support video
2) Step by step
From here you will be able to search all tasks regardless of their status (Pending, Work in Progress, Storing, Completed, etc.).
Search field
There are certain criteria on how to get the best results using the search field on the right. Hover over the information icon to display them:
Search with the task ID if available to you.
NOTE: This is the quickest and most reliable way to locate a document. The unique 7 digit code is generated by the system when the dictation is originally created and uploaded by the author.
Filter section
Using the filter section you can look up documents on which you may only have limited information. Filling in as much of this information as you have will lead to a more accurate search result.
Your options are:
Time Period (by default Last 90 days)
Task Status
Priority Level
Author Group
For example you may know it is a document from May last year by author x with the status "completed".
Select Custom in the "Period" field to enable the calendar where you can set any time range in the past.
Fill in all information you have and click on UPDATE TABLE.
Search results
The task list now shows all entries which match your criteria.
In the table header you can change the order of the entries, e.g. ascending or descending Task ID.
NOTE: If this sorting function does not work for you, the overall results of your search are too large and you might receive a tooltip to decrease the selected time period.
Depending on your user role, a task will be displayed in View only mode.
Completed tasks only open in this mode.
NOTE: It is important to note the status of the letter as this will indicate at which stage of the process a letter is at and also who you may need to contact in order to gain access to that letter.
Explanation of letter status
Author | Progress - the dictation is being created by the author
New - the dictation is being uploaded
Pending - thee dictation is waiting to be typed
Work in Progress (WIP) - the letter is currently being typed
Review | Pending (or Review | Progress) - task is in Quality Assurance queue
Processing | Pending (or Processing | Progress) - the letter back with the hospital, in the pre-approval Processing queue
Waiting for Approval (or Waiting for second Approval) - the letter is awaiting author approval
Storing | Pending (or Storing | Progress) - the letter is in the Storing queue
Completed - the letter which has been finalised and is no longer considered Live.
If you still cannot locate a letter despite trying all the above steps please contact our support team via the in-App chat on the bottom left hand corner of your screen:
You can also email us [email protected]. © 2021-2022