Result of adding these merge fields to the sign off is that the document clearly states with which method the approval has been done and by whom:
Facility settings
The merge field option has to be enabled on facility level by a master (or admin) user.
Select the relevant facility and go to SETTINGS.
Below the Organisation information click on ADVANCED SETTINGS.
The following Keys are relevant for merge fields in connection to the approval of a task:
Click in the Key field and select the key you want to set:
Type the below values into the Value field:
first_approver_signed - Electronically approved by
first_approver_not_signed - Dictated but not signed by
second_approver_signed - Letter reviewed by
second_approver_not_signed - On behalf of
Click on UPDATE SETTINGS after each new setting, and when you have all options set up click on SAVE ALL CHANGES.
The new settings are displayed at the bottom of the list:
=> The new settings are now available to all author users of the selected facility.
Note: The text entered into the value field would show up as a label with the author's
sign off.
User settings
Once the merge fields are enabled on facility level they are visible in the user profile.
Go to the SIGN OFF section of a user.
1. Search for the relevant author under USERS.
Open their profile.
2. Go to the author's SIGN OFF section.
3. Under Author signature lines the new facility settings are available.
=> The displayed text would be visible as a label with the authors' sign off.
a) Manager or Master user can change the displayed text.
b) Authors could change the displayed text themselves in their profile.
To individualise the author signature labels click in the line and enter the new text.
Always SAVE your changes at the bottom of the page.
When an author signs or approves a task the respective label will be used:
For further queries and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on the Helpdesk or at [email protected]. ยฉ 2024